Book Review: The Burden Bearer

  • How is it that we who personally know the One who invites us to cast our cares upon Him still stagger on bearing our own loads?
  • How is it that we who have chosen Christ’s easy yoke persist in carrying our lopsided weights on our shoulders rather than hitching them to our shared yoke with Christ?
  • How is it that we who have dedicated ourselves to the service of the Burden Bearer so often find ourselves feeling heavy, burdened, weighted, and exhausted?
  • And one more question: If we learn to cast our cares on His shoulders, do we release them from our own?

These are the probing, opening questions in The Burden Bearer by Pastor Paul Chappell. Perhaps you’ve had similar questions. So has Carrier—the allegorical Lifter with whom I readily identify. Carrier’s story is woven throughout the book with plenty of Pastor Chappell’s personal illustrations and biblical insights given as well.

This book was one of the projects I have been privileged to help with serving on the team at Striving Together Publications. Without a doubt, The Burden Bearer has been one of my favorite projects. Released just under a year ago, many have shared with me that this is one of the most encouraging, uplifting, helpful books they’ve ever read.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • Lifters and Their Burdens
  • Burdens Relieved
  • Serving in Christ’s Yoke

Through this book, we discover that serving the Burden Bearer means we can release the loads we so easily assume. We also discover what it means to serve in the Burden Bearer’s yoke.

One thing I appreciate about this book is Pastor Chappell’s transparency regarding the burdens that come as we minister to others. (Chapter Ten is even titled “When Ministry Hurts.” Other chapters in Part Three touch on the topic as well.)

For a limited time (through October 14, 2013), Striving Together has made The Burden Bearer eBook available for free, and the hardback is just $5.00 (normally $14.95). I highly recommend you download your free kindle copy, and then purchase as many gift copies of the hardback as you can. This is the kind of book you’ll want to purchase for everyone you know. (I already did several months ago. In fact, this is the only book I have ever purchased an entire case of—and every recipient loved it.)

If you carry any burden at all, if you have ever felt weighted or weary, this is the book for you. Enjoy!