It was Hudson Taylor who famously said, “God is not looking for men of great faith, only some common souls like you or me…willing to trust in His great faithfulness.”
If you want a front-row seat to a modern-day example of that quote, you need to pick up the newly-released autobiography by Dr. Edgar Feghaly, Forward in the Face of Fear: My Life for Christ in the Muslim World.
I first read this during the pre-publication editorial process, but only after two of my coworkers had already read it. They described stories to me that were over-the-top unbelievable. When they told me they had barely scratched the surface in what they had relayed and that the book was full of such stories, I held private doubts.
But when I began reading the book for myself, I was amazed. If you’re not much of a biography reader, this book is for you. It’s dramatic, captivating, and engaging.
It wasn’t, however, just the stories of miraculous protection from sniper fire or dramatic conversions from Islam that gripped me as I read it.
It was the overarching story of what happens when a common soul is willing to trust in God’s great faithfulness—even in the face of incredibly fear-inducing obstacles. It was the testimony of a man joyfully serving the Lord in the midst of these. And it was the record of the power of the gospel to change hearts in dark places.
Although the stories in this book are extreme, it’s not just a “Wow! What do I have to complain about?!” kind of book. It’s a “God can do anything! And in my life too!” kind of book.
It’s the kind of book that tells you God’s power is dependable and His grace is transforming and both can be counted on at any time, in any place, by any Christian willing to follow Christ—even if going forward means facing overwhelming fear.
If you’re looking for a book that will both engage your attention and strengthen your faith, I highly recommend Forward in the Face of Fear.
(Striving Together Publications is offering $150+ in release-week bonuses for those who purchase through April 15. For more information and to read a sample, click here.)