Tag Archives: God’s love

Does God Care about Your Comfort?

You’ve heard the quote: “God is more concerned with our character than our comfort.”

It’s a true statement, but it’s not the whole story.

God’s concern with our comfort depends on what kind of comfort we are talking about.

Do we mean that it is His job description to provide us with a comfortable, trouble-free life? No. That is impossible in a sin-cursed world; and frankly, it wouldn’t contribute to our Christian growth.

But do we mean that He wants us to know spiritual and emotional comfort through the difficulties we face? Absolutely! Continue reading

Larger than the Cloud

Two years ago this week, I found myself in a craft store in Northern California waiting on some friends. As waiting is what I do best when others are shopping (no, I’m not much of a shopper), I searched for entertainment—anything to help pass time.

My eyes landed on an old book used as a display prop. I brushed aside whatever the book had been displaying and picked up the book. Its title was taken from a line of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem “Aurora Leigh.” I didn’t get to read much of the book, but I will forever remember the line of the poem: “The blue of heaven is larger than the cloud.”

God knew that at that very moment I had a large cloud hovering over my sky, blocking sunshine and, to a degree, concealing His presence. He also knew that another black cloud, heavy with painful news, was rolling in and would be further covering my sky in less than forty-eight hours. Continue reading

A Bonus’ Bonus

I grew up in the Midwest, where February is a drab, tiresome month between winter and spring. There’s usually dirty snow sitting in patches of mud. And the skies are often hazy grey.

When my oldest sister, Nichole, was four years old, my dad noticed her listlessness and discouragement during the overcast days near the end of January. Wanting to cheer her, he formed a plan.

On February 1st, he enthusiastically announced to Nichole that this was the first day of “February Month.” And because this was such a special day, he had a present just for her. Furthermore, she would receive a present every day during February Month.

Nichole was delighted and looked forward to the stickers, erasers, balloons, and other February Month presents she received. By the time I came along, February Month was a well-established, eagerly-anticipated month of bonuses—a gift for every day! Continue reading

’Cuz You Came

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Arlene!”

“Hiiiiii, Miss Déirdre!”

“I made you some cookies and just want you to know that I love you.”

“Awww, thank you.” [big hug]

I got to hear this delightful conversation repeated several times this evening while making Sunday school visits with my friend, Déirdre.

But one conversation ended more memorably. Continue reading

The Label

The first Christmas gift had the most miraculous label.

To: sinners
From: God

What love!

Christmas is a miracle because of what God did, but it’s also a miracle because of who He did it for—me. And you.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.—John 3:16


You know that line you’re tempted to use in a thank you note: “I can’t tell you how thankful I am for…”? Usually that phase would be more accurately worded, “I don’t know how to put into words…”

There are very few emotions, ideas, or responses that cannot be communicated through the English language. Sometimes we just don’t want to put the effort into finding the words to express them.

But Christmas is different. Continue reading

The Difference

Have you ever wanted to say, “Yes, Lord, but….”

I have. Just recently, actually.

I was faced with a difficulty with which I had no choice but to trust the Lord. I couldn’t control, change, or manipulate it if I wanted to. (And, frankly, I wanted to!)

When my fate of no control was confirmed, I gave it to the Lord with the words “Yes, Lord.” Yet, in my heart, I added “but….”

  • “…I don’t like it.”
  • “…it’s hard.”
  • “…only because I have no alternative.”

Even as I thought “but…” the Lord whispered a substitute word to my spirit—and. Continue reading

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Whoever came up with that advertising tagline was clever. Who wouldn’t want to give a gift that would “keep on giving” all year long?

Far better than this tagline, however, is the reality of having a gift that keeps on giving—especially when that gift goes on forever…and ever.

Friday of this past week was my spiritual birthday, and I was able to spend time that morning reading the book of Romans in one sitting. With each chapter, I was amazed anew at the riches of God’s grace, freely given to me—as a gift. It was like reading an ever-growing gift list—not of what I can only wish for, but of what God has already given to me.

In a nutshell, I was reminded that salvation is so much more than a future home in Heaven. It is peace with God through His incredible sacrifice on the cross. It is freedom from the bondage of sin. It is a relationship with God as my Father. It is the opportunity to serve Christ—to make my life count for eternity. It is the power and the liberty to live for God’s eternal purposes. Continue reading

Book Review: The Promise

What would change in your life if you really believed Romans 8:28?

A friend recently gave me The Promise: God Works All Things Together for Your Good by Robert J. Morgan. I was surprised that someone could write a full-length book (210 pages) about one verse of Scripture, and I expected that it might be tedious reading. Based on my friend’s recommendation, however, I began, and immediately, I was thankful I did. In fact, I began underlining even before the table of contents!

This book is encouraging because it focuses attention on God’s infinite love for us and His sovereign power engaged on our behalf. It is also challenging because it reminds us that such love calls for a response of trust and reciprocated love.

The Promise is divided into two parts. The first covers each phrase in Romans 8:28, exploring in depth the richness of this promise. The second part briefly covers six other places in Scripture that echo the promise of Romans 8:28—either in living testimony or in a verse. These chapters are especially encouraging as they reveal just how God makes things work together for good and just what kinds of good He has in mind. Continue reading

Directed Towards Me

The shortest chapter in the Bible contains one of the most profound truths—a truth about God that we too easily forget.

This truth is reiterated (and even more clearly expressed) all throughout Scripture. But two words in this short Psalm speak of a truth beyond my comprehension.

Here’s the truth: “His merciful kindness is great toward us.”

Did you catch those last two words? Mercy and kindness are two of God’s attributes. They are simply part of who He is. But what a joy that He directs His merciful kindness toward me! Continue reading